“τί ἐμοὶ καὶ σοί, γύναι;”: The Dative-Dative Idiom of Divine Priority in John 2:4

Introduction: What Is This Between Us?

At the Cana wedding, Mary informs Yeshuʿ that the wine has run out. His enigmatic response begins with the phrase:
τί ἐμοὶ καὶ σοί, γύναι;
Literally, “What to me and to you, woman?”

This construction, grammatically known as a dative-dative idiom, has parallels in both Greek and Hebrew expressions (cf. Hebrew: מָה־לִי וָלָךְ). It often implies disassociation, a challenge of expectation, or a clarification of relational boundaries.

In this lesson, we’ll analyze the syntax, morphology, semantics, and theological import of this phrase, which sets the tone for the Johannine theology of Jesus’ “hour.”

Λέγει αὐτῇ ὁ Ἰησοῦς· τί ἐμοὶ καὶ σοί, γύναι; οὔπω ἥκει ἡ ὥρα μου.

John 2:4 features a deeply charged and grammatically unique expression from Yeshuʿ to his mother at the wedding in Kana. In this lesson, we will focus on the idiomatic and syntactically complex question:

τί ἐμοὶ καὶ σοί, γύναι;

This is a striking example of a dative-dative idiom, found in both Greek and Semitic literature. It conveys more than simple disagreement—it expresses a relational distancing or divine prerogative being asserted. This clause is crucial not just grammatically, but theologically.

Morphological Breakdown of τί ἐμοὶ καὶ σοί, γύναι

  1. τί {ti} –
    Root: τίς {tis};
    Form: neuter singular interrogative pronoun;
    Meaning: “what?”;
    Usage: functions as the subject of the rhetorical question.
  2. ἐμοὶ {emoi} –
    Root: ἐγώ {egō};
    Form: dative singular first-person pronoun;
    Meaning: “to me”;
    Function: the first object in the dative-dative idiom.
  3. σοί {soi} –
    Root: σύ {sy};
    Form: dative singular second-person pronoun;
    Meaning: “to you”;
    Function: the second object in the idiomatic pair.
  4. γύναι {gynai} –
    Root: γυνή {gynē};
    Form: vocative singular feminine;
    Meaning: “woman”;
    Usage: direct address to Mary;
    Notes: respectful, though formal—signaling relational distance, not contempt.

Syntactical Analysis: The Dative-Dative Idiom

The phrase τί ἐμοὶ καὶ σοί is an idiom of relational or functional disjunction. It is structured:
τί – interrogative pronoun “what”
ἐμοὶ καὶ σοί – dative pronouns “to me and to you”

The syntax implies:
“What is there in common between us?” or
“What do you and I have to do with this?”

This idiom expresses:
Relational distancing in terms of agenda
– An assertion of divine initiative over human timing

It does not imply rejection or disrespect but marks a redefinition of relational roles—Mary may be Jesus’ mother, but his mission follows a heavenly clock.

Semantic and Theological Implications

The key theological point in this idiom is that Jesus’ action must follow the timetable of the Father, not the requests of humans, even Mary.

The phrase sets up:
– A contrast between earthly concerns and divine mission
– A boundary between maternal authority and messianic calling
– A shift from familial intimacy to universal salvific purpose

Mary is called γύναι not to demean her, but to underscore that her role is now part of a broader redemptive narrative.

Literary and Discourse Significance

This phrase appears at a crucial hinge in John 2:
– It delays the miracle to highlight divine intentionality
– It introduces the theme of Jesus’ “hour”—his path to glorification, not dictated by human crisis but divine plan
– It highlights Jesus’ identity as obedient Son—not to Mary, but to the Father

The idiom also amplifies narrative tension: what will Yeshuʿ do? And when? The resolution comes when Mary defers: “Do whatever he tells you” (v.5), acknowledging his sovereignty.

“What to Me and to You?”: The Grammar of Obedient Glory

The idiom τί ἐμοὶ καὶ σοί, γύναι is not a cold dismissal—it is a grammatical expression of divine mission alignment. It announces that even familial closeness must yield to messianic priority.

In this phrase, grammar becomes revelation.
The dative idiom clarifies: not by request, but by calling.
The miracle will come—but only when the hour is right.

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